Our Approach To issues

We will first identify those things that have a direct impact on the material conditions of everyday people in Maryland. Beyond that identification, we will be offering solutions. These solutions will be distinct from what both Democrats and Republican leadership is offering, as we need NEW solutions. The end goal will be to outline everything that we want, going beyond only what we think we can get. 

The issues we intend to focus on are driven by those directly impacted, and the solutions we develop are informed by people who are currently working on the issue

Ultimately, our goal is not simply to raise important issues and share good ideas, but to change outcomes so that people’s lives are better. 

Political Priorities

We will start with some political priorities and use those to develop policy and platform pieces throughout the year.

These priorities will change as we go through the year and have discussions with Marylanders all over the state.

Our vision is for this to be much more than just a list of the ongoing issues that Marylanders face. Our vision includes the ability for anyone to utilize this website as a political education tool. As the campaign develops, we hope people will come to this site for a better understanding of both why things are the way they are, and how we can work together to fix them.

  • Create a robust and deep multiparty democracy in Maryland 

  • Develop a solidarity economy; invest in people and communities

  • Declare climate, environment, food and water emergencies to ensure State and Local government act with urgency

  • Invest in community institutions that can address the root causes of crime

  • Divest from war, exploitation, incarceration, and environmental destruction

  • Establish Healthcare and Housing as Human Rights

  • Protect the most vulnerable

  • Pay Reparations and Invest in Community Led Repair, and Reinvestment

  • Ensure Education is a public good

  • Build reliable and accessible Mass Transit all over maryland

Get Involved

Here are some ways to get engaged:

  • Share an Idea, an event, or a resource

  • Volunteer for the campaign

  • follow our campaign on Social media & Subscribe to andy’s emails