Volunteer With Our Campaign

Our campaign is powered by volunteers. If you want to help out fill out the form and then we will get in touch with you.

There are a lot of ways that you can help the campaign at this stage. Our goal is to offer different types of volunteering so that people can do things that work for them. 

Some ways to volunteer are:

  • Work on policy- We want to  to develop a policy agenda that  is rooted in justice, democracy, peace and ecology. Volunteers in this area can participate in reading, research, dialogue, discussion, writing, and more.

  • Spread the word- The more that people know about the campaign, our values, and our solutions the more people will get involved. Volunteers in this area might share social media content, send emails, write postcards, work at tabling events, or help design communications campaigns.

  • Help with ballot access- The Maryland Green Party  is working to get on the ballot for 2024 and 2026, this means we need to collect 10,000 valid petition signatures from registered Maryland votes by this summer. Volunteers in this area can download the petition and mail it in, get friends and family to sign, or join us at a petitioning event.

  • Invite Andy to attend an event - Do you have a meeting, a protest, a discussion or some other event that you want Andy to attend? Let us know!

  • Invite Andy to your campus or community - Do you want Andy to come to you? 

  • Technical Skills