The Campaign Plan

Purpose of the Campaign

The current two party system is not working. Too many people have too few choices.

But it is not just about choices.

The outcomes are the issue. Too many people are locked up, too many people can’t afford to live here, too many people are left behind and too many people know that their priorities are going to be ignored by politicians and political parties in Maryland.

New outcomes are going to require more and healthier political parties that can better represent the diverse people and communities of Maryland.

I believe the Maryland Green Party should be one of those parties, but to get there, our party has to grow, it has to be more visible, more organized, and more able to change outcomes so that people’s lives are better.

A major goal of this campaign is to build a Green Party that can understand the challenges and the opportunity, and to meet the moment.

A four year plan

I announced that I was exploring a 2026 Green Party campaign for Governor of Maryland the day after Election Day in 2022. I immediately put together a team and we knew we would need time to build the kind of campaign we wanted to run. We are going to run to win but we have some big goals and milestones along the way.

A Decade of Transformation

If we want a Maryland that works for everyone, we must have the courage to imagine a better world and the power to transform the current system. That transformation is not going to occur in the current two-party system. We need an independent party rooted in peace, justice, democracy, and ecology that represents the people left behind, the people who have checked out, the people organizing in their communities and the people marching in the street.

2006 Maryland Green Party Senate Candidate Kevin Zeese described the 2020s as a decade of transformation:

We see the 2020s as a decade of transformation. The movements have been growing since Occupy in 2011, then the Black Lives Matter movement, Fight For 15 — all during the Obama era – and now the growing of the movements during the Trump era. We see the 2020s as a decade of social transformation. In order to have that transformation, we need to be organized and educated . . . It’s normal for us to not always be on a linear path to success. It’s a jagged path. We move up and down, we get stronger.
— Kevin Zeese, August 30 2020

This quote comes from Kevin Zeese: His Last Words For The Movement And Carrying On By Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance. September 13, 2020. Kevin passed away September 6, 2020

We believe Kevin was right — this is a decade of transformation but what kind of transformation it will be? Will we see a Maryland with more power in the hands of the wealthy? More control by large corporations? Will we see less free speech, and less democracy? More genocide and war?

Or will we see a Maryland that works for everyone, with power in the hands of people, growing local economies, more free speech and more democracy?

That is up to us. If we want a Maryland that works for everyone, we must have the courage to imagine a better world and the power to transform the current system. That transformation is not going to occur in the current two-party system. We need a strong independent party rooted in peace, justice, democracy, and ecology that represents the people left behind, the people who have checked out, the people organizing in their communities, and the people marching in the street.

If we can build that, we can change the world!

This campaign is part of building that party and we are excited to work with all of you to do it!

Get Involved

Here are some ways to get engaged:

  • Share an Idea, an event, or a resource

  • Volunteer for the campaign

  • follow our campaign on Social media & Subscribe to andy’s emails