Solution- Tax Policy

Increase Taxes on the Wealthy and Close Corporate Tax Loopholes

The Maryland Center on Economic Policy recently estimated that a millionaire's estate tax, higher tax rates on those with income over $250,000, the closure of corporate and personal  tax loopholes, and a surtax on capital gains can raise hundreds of millions of dollars in additional revenue every year.

Working Class Tax Credits

Our campaign will be regularly reminding folks that economic hardship is not a matter of personal failure. Tax credits that help working and poor people are vital means of ensuring many Marylanders meet basic expenses, find resources when they need care, and support people's safety and security.  One such existing tool to put money in the hands of working class people is the Earned Income Tax Credit. We need to expand and simplify the state  EITC and make it fully refundable so that it does not just reduce a working families tax burden, but it also gives them money back.

As governor, I will push for just these kind of policies. We will ensure that Maryland's millionaires,  billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. We will also make sure that the tax credits and tax breaks we do offer will benefit working and poor Marylanders and families.


Agenda For a Maryland Solidarity Economy


Solution-Basic Income