Jack Santucci- Electoral Reforms, Governing Coalitions, Importance of Political Parties
Season: 1
Episode :11
One of the main themes of this campaign is that the two party system is insufficient to represent the diversity of political perspectives that exist in Maryland. Thus our work is to grow the movement for multiparty democracy at the state and local level.
One of the main themes of this podcast is to talk to the people whose ideas, scholarship and advocacy influence and inspire my campaign.
This episode is a great convergence of those two themes. Jack Santucci is a political scientist, educator, and author of More Parties or No Parties: The Politics of Electoral Reform in America(Oxford UP, 2022). His research centers on electoral systems and voting behavior in the United States.
In this show we will cover the history of electoral reforms and the push and pull between party based reforms and anti-party reforms.
Then we will talk about the possibilities and limits of some different electoral systems that could replace the current one.