Baltimore for Democracy Celebrates Grassroots Campaign to Defeat Question H

Baltimore for Democracy, a Ballot Issue Committee chaired by Andy shared a press release to celebrate the victory over Question H, a ballot issue that would have slashed the Baltimore City council nearly in half. Question H was paid for entirely by David Smith, the executive chairman of Sinclair Media and the owner of the Baltimore Sun.

“We knew all along that if voters knew what Question H meant and who was behind it, they would vote against it,” said Andy Ellis, chair of Baltimore for Democracy. “BFD is proud to have built a campaign that welcomed anyone interested in becoming involved, regardless of organizational or political affiliation. This victory belongs to the residents who saw through Question H’s threats to the power of their vote. They refused to let one wealthy Trump-supporting propagandist and his Republican operatives reshape our city government in their interests. We were pleased to join Stop Sinclair, the Baltimore Not For Sale Coalition, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, and countless others who knew Baltimore’s democracy is strongest when we come together.”

-Read the entire press release here.


Annoucement: Campaign Launch January 4th, 2025


Podcast: Saturdays With Renee - 11/16/2024