Andy Ellis is an advocate for Grassroots democracy, an educator for deeper debate and dialogue, and a organizer for justice and peace.
Go Green 2026 Podcast
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This campaign is part of a movement to build a new multiparty democracy in Maryland.
I believe more political parties will make Maryland more politically healthy. More Marylanders will feel represented, elections will be more robust, and elected officials would be more responsive to voters. Different solutions--based on real representation and genuine consensus-building--would emerge to local, statewide, national, and global problems. Debate would be more constructive and compromise would be more likely.
I also believe that the Green Party should be one of many healthy parties in this renewed democracy. Voters deserve a choice that includes a party rooted in peace, justice, democracy, and ecology.
An exciting focused Green Party campaign can build the party through 2026 and beyond. I know most people want something better than the two party system we have today, and I believe together we can build that future.
If this is a project and a campaign you support, donate today and help us build our people powered movement!